Set in post-war London in 1946, this series follows Gabriel Book (Gatiss), a unique sleuth who solves mysterious cases from his antiquated bookshop. Using the knowledge from the thousands of books that line his shelves, Gabriel cracks cases in unconventional ways. He is supported by a group of endearing misfits whom he protects and mentors. Walker portrays Gabriel’s colorful wife Trottie, who owns a neighboring wallpaper shop. Their relationship is unconventional, as they share a “lavender” marriage to conceal Gabriel’s homosexuality, which was illegal at the time.
Carolina Giammetta (Director)
Christopher Arcache (Producer)
Walter Iuzzolino (Producer)
Jo McGrath (Producer)
Mark Gatiss (Writer)
Matthew Sweet (Writer)
Anton Mertens (Cinematographer)
Joely Richardson (Cast)
Polly Walker (Cast)
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