Serving as a continuation of the beloved TRON: Legacy, this sequel delves deeper into Ares’ narrative, offering fans a unique and immersive experience within the Tron universe. With cutting-edge visuals, mesmerizing action sequences, and a compelling exploration of Ares’ journey, this film promises to be a thrilling addition to the iconic Tron franchise.
Joachim Rønning (Director)
Emma Ludbrook (Producer)
Justin Springer (Producer)
Jesse Wigatow (Writer)
Donald Lynse Sparks (1st AD)
Corinne Clark (Casting Director)
Jennifer Page (Casting Director)
Jared Leto (Cast)
Jeff Cronenweth (Cinematographer)
Corinne Clark (Casting Director)
Jennifer Page (Casting Director)
Debra Zane (Casting Director)
Jared Leto (Cast)
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